Includable pages are often
used as header and footers that can be included into other pages to provide
uniform functionality. Basically, an includable page is a page whose includable
property has been set to Yes. After creating an includable page, you
can include it into another page by using the Include Page
form control.
If you have an includable
page within a main page, it is possible to programatically control whether the
includable page is shown or not. This can be done by entering code into the
Before Show event of the page where the includable page is
located. In ASP, the code would be of the nature:
= false
whereas in PHP, the code
would be:
$IncludablePageName->Enabled = false;
In Cold Fusion, the code
would be:
<CFSET hideIncludablePageName = true>
In this case IncludablePageName
should be replaced with the actual name of the includable page. |