How to create Master-Detail forms in CodeCharge Studio

Areas: ASP, ASP.NET(C#), ColdFusion, Java Servlets, JSP, Perl, Perl 

Here are the steps to follow to create Master-Detail forms on two pages (Master page and Detail page).
In this example we shall use the Intranet example database with departments as the master table and employees as the detail table.

1. Create a Master page and add Grid and Record forms to it using the Grid and Record Builder. In the step where you select the link field from the grid to the record form, select 'New Grid Column' radio button and enter the desired name.

2. Create a Detail page and add Grid and Record forms the same way. While building the Grid form, open the Visual Query Builder and add the departments table so as to be able to display departments names on the form. At the end of this, the department_name field should be in the 'Fields For the Grid' list as shown below.

At this point, you have two pages. The next step is to create a link from the Master grid to the details page.

3. Open the Master grid form in design mode, and select a field you want to use as the link to the detail page. Right click on it and select Change to Link.

4. Select the newly created link field and go to Properties window->Data tab. Make sure, that 'Href Type' is set to "Page". Open 'Source/Parameters' dialog and set the destination page to the page containing the detail forms.

5. In order to view employee records for a particular department, you need to pass the department_id primary key field to the details form via the link field created above. So while still in the Source/Parameters property, click on the Plus icon under the Link Parameter section and add an output parameter with the following settings:

Source Type: Data Field
Parameter Source: select the primary key field from the field list (department_id)
Parameter Name: it is set to primary key name by default, but you can change it if you want (department_id).

6. The last step is to add the passed primary key to the Where clause of the detail grid form. Open the Data Source dialog for the detail Grid form. Click the plus icon under the Where section and add a Table parameter as follows:

Condition Type: Parameter
select foreign key field (department_id)
Type: Integer
Condition: equals(=)
Parameter Source:
should match the name specified as Parameter Name for Link field (department_id)

When you click OK and return to the Data Source window, the condition under Where section should be:

Save and generate the pages then proceed to test them by navigating between the Master and Detail page.
Note, that the same approach could be used to create the master and detail forms on the same page if desired.

Viewed 47474 times.   Last updated: 11/11/2002 9:01:08 PM